“Innate talent and commitment”

The concert given by Judith Jáuregui and the Signum Quarttet within the Luis G. Iberni Days cycle at the Auditorio de Oviedo (Spain) at the beginning of November had a fantastic reception. Although this was the first time they played together, the audience appreciated the degree of rapport between the musicians during their performance, described by the musical press as a gift for the senses due to their versions full of connection, intensity and nuances.

The repertoire chosen for the occasion was significant: two of the most important piano and string quintets ever written. On the one hand the Piano Quintet in A Major by Dvorak, and on the other, the Piano Quintet in E-flat major by Schumann. In the words of Javier Labrada from Platea Magazine, “in both pieces, the talent of Judith Jáuregui naturally shone through, and her commitment could easily be read between the lines of a fragile and always clean sound. Her great ability to transmit nuances was materialized by Jáuregui’s evident mastery in regulating the intensity of the sound of the instrument, which as we say remained clear and perfectly audible even in the subtleties of the pianissimi.”

According to Pablo Siana, the concert was “a true lesson in the piano and strings quintet format for both the audience and musicians, with the perfect ensemble of textures and intentions through which the great composers demand from performers a communion of intentions, mutual recognition and a lot of love for music”.

Furthermore, David Orihuela from the daily La Nueva España, highlighted that “the brilliant piano interpretation fit perfectly with the magic of the string quartet, to the point of creating a quintet in perfect harmony. They had never been on stage together before, but the connection and rapport was perfect. They noticed this and they transmitted it, and the audience enjoyed and was grateful for this.”

Finally, for El Comercio magazine this concert was further proof of Judith Jáuregui’s musical solvency. According to the magazine, “throughout the recital she showed the reasons why today she is considered one of the main exponents of the Spanish musical scene”. 


Full review in Platea Magazine (in Spanish): https://www.plateamagazine.com/noticias/5641-recital-de-la-pianista-judith-jauregui-y-el-cuarteto-signum-en-oviedo

Full review by Pablo Siana (in Spanish): https://pablosiana.wordpress.com/2018/11/08/terapia-de-camara/

Full review in La Nueva España (in Spanish): https://www.lne.es/sociedad/2018/11/08/judith-jauregui-cuarteto-signum-regalo/2376754.html

Full rewiew in El Comercio (in Spanish): https://www.elcomercio.es/culturas/musica/judith-jauregui-cuarteto-20181108003809-ntvo.html